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Tips On Shopping For The Best Wedding Sparklers

    Wedding Sparklers

    If you plan to use sparklers at your wedding, then chances are you’ve already begun the long and tedious process of shopping. Since their popularity has been increasing in recent years, retailers have released many different versions of wedding sparklers in a variety of shapes, colours, and sizes. All of those options ensure you can find the right sparklers for your needs, but it can also be a little intimidating when you’re shopping. Chances are that you’re not a sparkler expert, so how are you supposed to find the best ones for your big day? Here are some tips on shopping for wedding sparklers that will help you make the best decision for your needs.

    Buy Samples to Test

    One of the best ways to make sure you’re going to have the best sparklers possible for your wedding is to buy some samples from a variety of stores and test them. You can obviously rely on online reviews to create a shortlist of potential retailers, but there’s no substitute for actually trying out their products. You can even get some friends together to act as a focus group to help you decide. Just remember to use the sparklers in the same way you intend to at your wedding when you test them so you can have an accurate idea of how they will perform on your big day.

    Getting a Great Price

    Though quality is usually the number one concern when shopping for wedding sparklers, you still want to get the best price possible. By saving money on your wedding sparklers, you can have extra room in your budget for other things to make your day more memorable. Shopping online for your wedding sparklers is always a great way to save money versus going to a regular store, but if you happen to be shopping in the summer months you can usually get a good deal at a local fireworks store when they have their sales after the 4th of July.

    Know What You Need

    Getting the best wedding sparklers for your money is also about knowing what you need. For instance, if you’re going to use sparklers for a send-off line, you don’t want to make the mistake of buying too short sparklers like the 10-inch ones. Though they are very inexpensive, which can be appealing, you should really choose a longer style like 36-inch wedding sparklers for that purpose so they will burn long enough to complete the entire activity. When in doubt, it’s better to buy long wedding sparklers than short ones to avoid them running out too quickly.

    With so many types available, sparklers can be an intimidating item to shop for. However, if you know how you want to use them, where to shop for them, and take the time to sample different brands, shopping for wedding sparklers can be an easy job that will make your day a more magical experience for all.